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Entries in art (76)


a printmaker's perspective

i'e kuku

i just wanted to share the work of maui artist abigail romanchak who has a website filled with eye candy very deserving of a peek if you happen to adore the graphic style of prints. abigail dabbles in a variety of mediums (linocut, screenprint, etchings, collagraph) and last year had a thought provoking exhibit called mahele which explored the impact development has had on her island home. 

her artist's statement is just as eloquent as the images she has created:

"I see my prints as a way to empower and assert a Hawaiian sense of identity and to perpetuate Hawaiian culture through art. I believe that native cultures are jeopardized once they stop speaking to people in the present day. As an artist, I seek to perpetuate traditional culture not through traditional means, but contemporary ones, so that it may endure for generations to come."


pu'olu II

abigail received an mfa in printmaking at uh and is one of the many talented hui press artist/instructors at the hui no'eau visual arts center in makawao where you are welcome to explore the world of printmaking in the visual arts program open to the public.


pineapple painting tours


two local artists have a novel approach to bringing back a souvenir to remember your holiday . . . create it yourself. pineapple painting tours offers the chance to tap into your inner gauguin and take home a piece of art made by you. yes, you could just head over to the weekend art mart at the honolulu zoo and buy something but this sounds like a lovely diversion for those who have an artsy side and are looking to do something other than the typical tourist activities.

the tour specializes in the plein air style which means you will be painting on location at scenic spots around oahu. transportation from waikiki hotels is included as are art supplies and, most important, instruction from professional artists so chances are good that your creation will be worthy enough to add to your personal art collection when you get home.

{update | jan 2010: pineapple painting tours seems to be no more}


volcano art center

watching her brother fish | caren loebel-fried

if you ever make a pilgrimmage to kilauea make sure you stop by the volcano art center which is located inside volcanoes national park. you can spend as much time wandering around the gallery admiring the many offerings from local artists & artisans as you will watching the lava flow.

they also have an online shop which carries a nice mix of artwork stocked at the center. my newest favorite is up & coming artist harinani orme who delves into the mythology of old hawaii. her work is currently featured in the bishop museum exhibit - pa'a ka la'a animism & totemism: contemporary expressions from an indigenous mind (whew, that's certainly a mouthful).

kahu mano | harinani orme

maui slowing the sun | dietrich varez

the volcano art center is also home to the complete collection (225 and counting) of the mesmerizing linoleum prints from dietrich varez (who is all about bringing affordable art to the people) as well as the colorful block prints by caren loebel-fried.


no. 10 - honolulu theatre for youth

going to a performance of the honolulu theatre for youth was one of the highlights of growing up in hawaii. it's magical to see stories brought to life on the stage and the hty, the only professional non-profit theatre company in the islands, has exposed millions of kids to the dramatic arts since they were established 51 years ago.

even though their home stage is on oahu, every year the company takes their act on tour around the neighbor islands so kids all over hawaii have a chance to see productions like christmas talk story or tales of old hawaii in person. the hty also holds drama workshops for aspiring thespians as well as for the teachers who inspire them in the classroom.

click here to learn how you can make a difference!


tropical abc's

a is for aloha!

tropical abc's are such a cute way for your favorite keiki to learn their alphabet. the flash cards were the inspiration of kaua'i artist doug britt so each letter in the alphabet is matched with an island style image (s is for surf, of course!).

while the set is readily available in the islands they can be downright impossible to find online. if you want to order a set as a stocking stuffer then click over to ola's to get hooked up for the holidays.