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Entries in locals only (47)


menehune mac snack attack

okay, so i knew that menehune mac would have you covered in the chocolate department, but even more enticing are the snacks from the hawaiian chip company carried on mm's website. onolicious flavors like garlic taro chips and kilauea fire sweet potato chips are more than enough to kickstart my craving for something crunchy right now.

however, the mango pasta from sun noodle sounds like a curious food find for the more adventurous foodies amongst us. fruity noodles may not be my thing but the macadamia nut pasta would be welcome on my dinner plate anytime.


picture bride

if your family arrived in hawaii at the turn of the 20th century there's a good chance that your (great) grandmother may have been a picture bride. the late filmmaker kayo hatta's 1995 film won the audience award at sundance when it was released and takes a poignant look at the journey of a young girl who arrives from japan to enter into an arranged marriage to a plantation worker.

it's a good look at a time that many of us have heard stories about while growing up so add it to your netflix queue and immerse yourself in a little local history.


add a little bumatai on boy's day

if you're from hawaii and have been online for awhile it is safe to say that you have received one of those you know you're from hawaii when . . . emails. as agent smith said in the matrix, "it is inevitable." and, if you are a guy who grew up in the islands in the 80's, i'll wager that you can slam down more than a few lines from the andy bumatai specials that aired on kgmb.

find out if your memory served you well and pick up a copy of andy bumatai's all in the 'ohana dvd. step back in time and savor that long awaited reunion with honey girl, junior boy, tutu and linda coble (the recipient of one of my other half's favorite lines).


global pau hana

if you are living on the mainland (or are new to hawaii) and have been craving an island connection check out global pau hana. social networks like myspace have been generating a lot of press lately and global pau hana is a grassroots effort to bring islanders scattered across the globe together online.

there are huis for most major cities as well as groups discussing topics as diverse as obake stories, local recipes, hawaiian history and there's even a hui just for folks named dave


the hapa project

as a hapa girl, i have been eagerly following kip fulbeck's hapa project for the past year and i am happy to announce that his book was recently published. part asian, 100% hapa is a series of photographs asking subjects that eternal hapa question, "what are you?"

the great thing about growing up in hawaii is that it is much easier to fit in (although even in the 1970's & 80's there weren't that many of us around) but it still would have been nice to have a book like this to flip through.